The official coding period for GSOC started on 19th May 2014.With regard to my Final Exams getting over on 23rd May,there was a very little I could contribute this week.But nevertheless the excitement level got me coding whenever I had free time.
Progress this week:
Issues/Problem experienced:Progress this week:
- Updated installation to dev-master,understood how composer works for downloading packages.
- Set up a Basic Flow Package with Slot Service to listen to the publishing process and write all the contents of the respective node.
- Used composer to download the library files of Facebook PHP SDK to the Flow Package.
- Set up Package.php for the Package to configure the wiring between signal and slot ,and other dependencies.
- Trouble with enterprise level concepts of PHP likes Aspect Oriented Programming.
- Trouble initializing objects of library files in the slot.
- Set up objects of Facebook class in the slot service,and communicate with the Facebook SDK.
- Display appropriate messages in the backend.
- Handle Exceptions.